Blogs & News

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September 24, 2021

The Changing Seasons & Why You Might Be Feeling Down

Falling back isn't just a reset to the clocks; the "winter blues" are real and not something you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year.

September 17, 2021

How free time affects your mental health

Everyone needs time to rest-- to sleep, to play, and to simply do nothing. But the need to work, to pay the bills, and to support oneself (or a family), is ever-present and always looming. There are thousands of studies and articles exploring the risk of work burnout and stress, but what happens to the brain during those rare times of relaxation?

September 16, 2021

Why Brain Health Literacy Benefits Everyone (and Why We Launched BHB)

You may have noticed that here at the Chase Bjork Foundation, we talk about brain health as opposed to mental health or mental illness. This is a conscious decision, with meaning behind it – not just relabeling to replace older terms. Yet, the terms are, in our opinion, outdated and no longer reflect the data- and evidence-based understandings that researchers, psychiatrists and others in the field have come to accept over the past 10+ years. 

September 11, 2021

The Impact of 9/11 on Children 20 Years Later

As America marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11, it’s important to recognize its effects on a generation of individuals, now adults, that were children when it happened.


These writings are monthly thought pieces on healing, meditating, growing, and connecting with your inner self.

February 25, 2021

Gift of Gratitude

Most agree that gratitude is a grounding good practice. But, lately I have been reading and experiencing how it can be taken to an even deeper level for greater healing. The science behind appreciation is compelling. There are seven scientifically proven benefits of gratitude which have been compiled from various sources by Amy Morin, Psychotherapist and international bestselling mental health author:

February 4, 2021

Thought Attacks

This is the first of a series of blogs in support of mental health; the inspiration comes from Chase and the resulting grief after he passed. The many books, meditations and advice from others who have shared their stories have also contributed to this blog. Regardless of faith, wealth, race, gender or region, there is much suffering of the mind and it only seems to be escalating, further aggravated by social media and Covid.

If you are in crisis, there is help

Call the toll-free, 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Hotline at
For more tailored resources, check out our Brain Health Bootcamp directory